Michael Bear ACIPD

Michael Bear ACIPD

London • United Kingdom Website

MSc in Human Resource Management Student at University of London | Published Author | Aspiring HR Business Partner | Available for Opportunities from October 2024

Michael Bear ACIPD

Job vs. Role

When referring to vacancies, many use the terms 'job' and 'role' as a synonym of each other. There is a nuanced difference. A 'job' is an organisational function of defined tasks, duties or activities. A 'role' is the part played, emphasising specific...

Michael Bear ACIPD

Contextual Strategising

The insights offered from optimal and suboptimal outcomes of 'management influence' versus 'employee behaviour' are timelessly instructive to people professionals. The sources of such information are plentiful, and many originate from academic papers, business analysis, and behavioural theories. The value prospect for people professionals who learn...

Michael Bear ACIPD

Lying Flat: Fad or Fact

The idiom 'Lying Flat' (Huazhong 2021) has come to represent a rejection of perceived professional demand and societal expectation in exchange for a leisurely, nonmaterialistic lifestyle. We are extending to forgoing marriage, having no children, remaining unemployed, and shunning traditional milestones, i.e., buying a house or owning...

Michael Bear ACIPD

History of the Working Week

Effective August 2022, full-time employees' weekly average working hours in the UK was 36.5 hours. For comparison, the lowest recorded was 30.3 in 2020 during the pandemic, and the highest was 38.8 in 1997. This data uses a five-day workweek as a fact, but how did...

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